Martin Breuer Bono | OPEN Bücherregal
Ein luftiges, der Wand vorgesetztes Raster aus 11-lagigem Birkenschichtholz, das sich optisch an das Design-Bücherregal "Schlagseite" von Martin Breuer Bono anlehnt, ohne sich aber zur Seite zu neigen.
Farben: Beschichtung in Schwarzbraun, oder Weiss
Kanten: Birkenschichtholz geschliffen und unbehandelt
How much do you need? And how much does it need to hold a book?
OPEN substantially rethinks the typology of a bookcase. The result is a physically and optically reduced object, using the minimum amount of material. An airy grid that opens up like a fan inviting your books to accommodate. Once parked they are presented like a bouquet of flowers.
OPEN -via an elegant gesture- invites to interact, to (re-)group your books: With the tip of a finger you can choose a book and tilt it towards you! Empty, it produces a sculptural cast shadow on the wall, fully loaded it draws back and leaves the scenery to your books.
70 x 235 x 11cm,
115 x 235 x 11cm
160 x 235 x 11cm